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The Real Wedding of Sonia and Gregory in St Tropez

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Back to the very beautiful wedding of Sonia & Gregory last 29 June in St Tropez.
This job is made of many emotions, beautiful memories and beautiful encounters … This couple is a part of it, almost a year by their side to prepare for this beautiful event and accompany them in the organization of their wedding on the Côte d ‘ Azure.

Here we are on a June evening in a private villa in St Tropez where Sonia and Gregory, a lovely young Canadian couple, decided to unite, surrounded by their family and close friends, all from far away …

Early in the morning, the women and men took possession of the rooms, making important preparations for the wedding.
Pink for girls and blue for men, teams are created, the day can begin!

We arranged a meeting before the wedding, so that Gregory could see the bride before everyone else. A moment of emotion and complicity for just the two of them to share …

The guests were able to attend their union, during a secular ceremony under the close of the villa, where emotions and laughter were at the service.
The popping of champagne bottles announced the opening of the cocktail around the sumptuous infinity pool, as for dinner, it took place in the large garden facing the house, chic and simple at the same time.

Sonia wanted for her wedding decoration, lavender representing our dear region, pastel colors and wood for the rustic side. A simple and refined decoration, all in their image!
A successful wedding thanks to our super team of service providers, an atmosphere of madness thanks to all its guests and the bride and groom who come to celebrate the best day of their lives…

Crédit Photo : Sarah des Studios Love Story.
Coordination & Décoration by Label’ Emotion Côte d’ Azur

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